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Scientific Inquiry 01: Lipotrope Nutrients Inhibit T47D Cell Growth

Students designed and replicated peer-reviewed experiment on the effects of lipotrope nutrients and the apoptosis of cancer cells for tissue culture (BIO 3201-01) .

Scientific Inquiry 02: Distillation of Cyclohexane and Toluene

Students separated a gaseous mixture of cyclohexane and toluene using distillation techniques in organic chemistry I laboratory (CHE 2126-01).

Scientific Inquiry 03: Functional Response of Predators to Prey
Students replicated Hollis' Functional Response of Predators to Prey Experiment to test correlation between population size and predation for scientific writing (BIO 2303-01).
Scientific Inquiry 04: Figure Analysis of
Diphenylpyraline, a Histamine H1 Receptor,
has psychostimulant properties

Students chose a figure from a scientific paper and provided detailed analysis on the contents in biochemistry I (CHE 3346-01). This was entered in WSSU's first annual writing competition in 2018.

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